Description of the boundaries
Project hunting glhu "Vitebsk forestry»
1.1 location, description of boundaries
Hunting farm glhu "Vitebsk forestry" is located in the Central part of the Vitebsk region of Vitebsk region. The boundaries are established by the decision of Vitebsk district Executive Committee № 240 of 13.07.2006. They are described below.
North - from the point of intersection of the administrative boundaries of the Vitebsk, Gorodok and Shumilino districts of the East on the administrative border of the Vitebsk and Gorodok districts to the crossing with the highway Vitebsk - Gorodok;
On-farm division
Project hunting glhu "Vitebsk forestry»
Chapter III. Internal organization of the territory of hunting grounds
3.1. The division of the territory of the hunting economy on hunting rounds
According to the TCH 291-2011 (02080) in the Republic of Belarus, the minimum number of employees N, pers., required to ensure the protection of hunting grounds according to the requirements, is calculated by the formula:
N = Sл:10 + Sвб:10 + Sп:30,
Where: Sл, - the area of forest hunting grounds in thousand hectares;
Sвб - wetland hunting area in thousand hectares;
Sп - the area of field hunting grounds in thousand hectares.