In the Policy in the field of labor protection, the management of glhu "Vitebsk forestry" undertakes the following obligations:
- comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus on labor and labor protection, the provisions of its own labor protection management system and collective agreement;
- to constantly anticipate danger in the production processes, to assess risks, undertake activities to reduce risk and manage;
- continuously improve the existing occupational safety management system, systematically improving working conditions and safety at each workplace;
Work is being done to prevent occupational injuries and diseases.
At the enterprise, personnel training is continuous and is a direct responsibility of each employee. The personnel training system includes:
- training, retraining, advanced training of workers;
- professional development of managers and specialists;
- responsibility for the organization of work on labor protection in forestry is assigned to the chief Forester and chief engineer of forestry, in structural divisions – to the head of structural division.
The Bureau of labor protection (head of the Bureau of labor protection and engineer of labor protection) was established, which corresponds to the Normative number of specialists on labor protection at enterprises, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of labor of the Republic of Belarus on 23.07.1999, № 94.
In forestry, on the basis of the typical instruction about conducting the control over observance of legislation on labor protection in the organization, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of labour and social protection of the Republic of Belarus of 26.12.2003 № 159, the instruction about conducting the control over observance of legislation on labour safety in SFE "Vitebsk forestry". In accordance with the Instructions in the forestry is carried out daily, weekly and quarterly monitoring. Monthly days, quarterly Weeks of labor protection on which the analysis of a condition of labor protection in structural divisions of forestry is carried out are carried out, necessary information on labor protection to heads of divisions is brought.
The analysis of the state of labor protection, existing hazards and risks in the workplace.
Forestry workers are provided with the necessary means of protection in accordance with the Standard industry standards of free issuance of personal protective equipment to employees of logging and forestry organizations, woodworking industries, approved by the Ministry of labor and social protection Of the Republic of Belarus from 01.11.2002 № 140 and the instruction on the procedure for providing employees with personal protective equipment, approved by the Ministry of labor and social protection From 30.12.2008 № 209.
A plan of measures for labor protection has been developed. The plan is developed taking into account the requirements of the Regulations on planning and development of measures for labor protection, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus, 23.10.2000 № 136.
Moral and material encouragement of employees of forestry is made according to the following local acts:
- position on remuneration, bonuses of employees in accordance with collective agreement,
- regulation on awarding of managers and specialists, according to the collective agreement,
- regulations on the review competition for the best organization of work on labor protection, approved by the Board of the Ministry of forestry of the Republic of Belarus.
Measures of responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements for labor protection are set out in the job and work instructions, as well as in the instructions for labor protection.
The regulatory legal support is organized on the basis of the compiled Register of NPA and tnpa.
In accordance with the requirement of Directive No. 1 of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 11 March 2004 "on measures to strengthen public safety and discipline", provisions were made in the contracts of forestry workers on unconditional and immediate termination of contracts for gross violations of occupational safety and health, resulting in injury or death, for causing damage to the state, legal entities or individuals, drinking alcoholic beverages during working hours or at work, and with the heads of state bodies. – for ensuring due labor discipline of subordinates, concealment of the facts of violation of labor and Executive discipline by them or for not bringing guilty persons to responsibility established by the legislation.
The workplaces meet the requirements of labor safety.
Foresters engaged in logging work, workers of all specialties are provided with clothing for 100%.
Transportation of workers and forest protection on working sites for production of forestry and logging works is made on transport of forestry.
Workers who are constantly working in contact with harmful production factors are subject to periodic mandatory medical examination. In the forestry enterprise daily to be made by the medical worker pretrip survey of drivers. All structural divisions are provided with devices "Alcotest-203".